ELEVEN YEARS! TSW Anniversary Post

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Hey friends.. It's been a while! 
We wanted to swing by to give an update on Isaiah. 😇


Today is May 22, 2024! ..and it's been eleven years since we started this
Topical Steroid Withdrawal journey.. seems surreal!
I almost can't believe it.

I remember so vividly when we were at this place in time: 



The days were long and hard.. the suffering was so thick and all consuming. 
Grief was enveloping, and "normal" seemed so far away.

Any of you that have followed our story over the years, know that our little guy has come so far, to be where he is today. 

Life after TSW has been amazing, as well as no more need for any type of hospitalizations, meds or balm

Isaiah has been TSW symptom free for many years, and only had a few blips of mild skin rashes after Covid - but nothing that interfered in normalcy in any way.  

He is such a kindhearted giver, and has enjoyed homeschooling, co-ops,
friend meets and extracurriculars, over the years.

He just completed 5th grade, and next year will be off to middle school!

He loves Minecraft, making Minecraft videos for YouTube, drawing, and creating things with his hands - especially in clay. 

He had the amazing opportunity to join a Kid's Market earlier this year, where
he had a booth selling some of his clay creations. 

He debuted the name "BG Clays
'BG' comes from a nickname that was given to him by
his sweet, older sister when he was younger. 

He drew a logo of himself - which we made into some cool vinyl stickers! 

I also helped him make a blog and 
FB page:

He would love for you to give him a follow, and if you would like to, leave him a comment on his page! He loves to read them!

He made some awesome friends,
had some wonderful customers, and made lots of money for LEGOs!
We are super proud! 👏🙏

He was also interviewed at the show by a local community writer, and was thrilled to see it in the finished article online.
He can't wait until the next show, and is already planning for it in the fall!





He had even had some custom requests, and one from Diego, another little
TSW Pal who has come so far in his TSW journey. 
We hope to one day meet him, and his sweet Mama, in person:


Diego / TSW

 We woke Isaiah up with the surprise of some new Lego sets this morning to celebrate this 11 year milestone. 

He also got some fresh baked cookies, and later today, some sweet tea from his Grandma that is currently brewing.. a rare treat that he loves. 😇

We are so thankful for the love, prayers and support that our TSW
community has always given us. 

We are thankful for the blessings and friendships that have come from
such a dark season of our lives. 

We have seen the hand of God in it all, through those connections, and even through the healing ministry that has become
The Home Herbalist..

..all from a precious little baby's journey to healing. 

Thanks for reading our update, and loving our
Isaiah Quinn 

Praying for all of you in the thick of TSW.. 
never give up!

💙 Isaiah 12:2 💙

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